Wednesday, February 4, 2009

a little something...

...i found on my memory card...
It really cracks me up!


Shana-Lynn said...

OMG, that is hilarious!!!

GG said...

Was that a pun or what? That's the most beautiful butt in the world!!!!!

Robin said...

HA! She is going to LOVE that when she gets older.

Kimberly said...

BWHAHAHA! Crack kills doesn't it!

Lisa said...

LOL! Such a cute little hiney!

starfitch said...

That brought a huge, much-needed smile to my face on a day like the one you just described in your previous post. :-)

Janice said...

Ha-ha! Plumber's Butt :P. I'm finally catching up with your blog. It's amazing how Eleanor has changed since I last checked your blog! And, I am jealous you are going to Napa! John and I need a little R&R without the kids even for just a couple of days. Hope you have a great time and take LOTS of pictures so I can imagine myself to be there.