Thursday, October 23, 2008


So, I'm such a lousy blogger these days. The same day we stopped the medication, everything went back downhill. I'm so sleepy. And Eleanor is sleepy and super duper crrr-anky all the time. We're just wandering around in varying states of delirium...

Hopefully, our problems are about to be solved, though. Today, I took Eleanor to the ENT doctor. He did an x-ray, and said that her adenoids are 'huge' and that he was surprised she could breathe through her nose at all. He showed me what he was talking about on the x-ray...there really isn't much room at all for air to get through her nasal cavity. So, on Monday, he's taking those bad boys out. He's leaving the tonsils...he said they're fine and that you don't take a two-year-old's tonsils out unless you have to because the recovery is a lot harder than if you just take the adenoids out. (If I told you the surgery was Wednesday, it has now been rescheduled due to some misunderstanding regarding insurance.)

We'll need prayer for the surgery, of course. And for the twelve hours prior to surgery when I can't give Eleanor anything to eat or drink. The eating is not an issue since she's mostly indifferent about food, but the girl does love her milk!

We're doing some fun Halloween stuff this weekend, but I'm not sure if I'll be blogging about it until after the surgery. Thanks for you prayers!


GG said...

My head's not very clear today - is the surgery this Monday or Wednesday? I am sure glad they have found the problem and can fix it. Does she have breathing problems when she is upright or just when she is laying down?

Robin said...

Oh, I'm sorry you guys are having to go through this - especially with Jared gone, but we will be praying for all of you. Hopefully this will fix the problem, and you two can get some sleep and get happy Eleanor back soon!

Jeannie said...

the skarka crew will be praying!

Shana-Lynn said...

Poor baby. Our prayers are with you!

Lisa said...

Of course we will praying for you and Eleanor too :O)

I can't imagine going through what you are going through all on your own. At least you do have your family near by... use them! That is why you moved there in the first place. I know the surgery is going to go well. Please call/email/update when you can after the surgery. I know its a super fast surgery, so she should be in and out in no time.

Just an fyi,Grace was super super mad when she woke up from her eye surgery! I mean SUPER mad. Thankfully it didn't last long. Not sure if Eleanor will be that way... I've heard some are just sleepy... so I hope that Eleanor is one of the sleepy ones.

starfitch said...

I know surgery will be scary and the unknown, but if it helps it will be all worth it. I'm sure she'll be a new little girl after recovery. We'll be praying for the surgery and recovery! You are one awesome mama to be making all these decisions with Jared away. I'm sure he's more than ready for his first trip home to you two.

Vicki said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Eleanor tomorrow. We love you both very much, and I hope you know we are here for you if you need us.