Thursday, July 24, 2008

You're invited.

No, really. Anyone who's reading this blog is invited. You just have to RSVP. And let me know when to pick you up at the airport. :)


Shana-Lynn said...

That invitation is darling! I so wish we could come, that would be so fun!!

What an adorable face she has!

starfitch said...

Oh my fun would it be to meet and see these two little girls together? Darn economy anyway. :-)

Get ready mama....two is an all together different experience of good and bad.

GG said...

I don't think there will be any change in her - she is going to be the same little sweetheart she always is!! Wish I could say pick us up at the a-port - maybe one of these days soon!!

GG said...

P.S.. Forgot to say thank you for the precious birthday invitation! You are soooooo good with words!

Janice said...

I wish I could come:( .The invite is GORGEOUS!!!!! The photo you picked out is perfect for it!!

Robin said...

I think I need some help finding this park. The internet has failed me.

Lisa said...

OH HOW CUTE IT THAT!!  I love it!  I wish I could RSVP that we are coming, but maybe soon... like another year or so :)

Lisa said...

ps... I FINALLY updated my blog. Thanks for the sweet reminder on my blog! HA!

Vicki said...

The invitation is precious!! I wish I could be there. :( Someday!!