Friday, February 29, 2008


WARNING: If you are not interested in spending the next few minutes of your life letting me subject you to an extreme overuse of the word "poo-poo," you should probably skip this post, and check back for something less gross in a few days.

I would just like to start by saying I do not want to potty train Eleanor right now. I've been told by so many wise mommies that if you attempt potty training too early, you're in for a very long process. I'd rather just wait until she's really ready, and get the job done in a reasonable amount of time. No offense to early potty trainers, of course...I'm just not in that camp.

So, last weekend Eleanor started telling us when she was about to go poo-poo. She even enlightened Robin and her hubbie with this little tidbit when they were over for dinner Saturday night. Nice. Anyway, she would consistently come and find me and say, "Poo-poo. Poo-poo," before she would start going. So, yesterday I decided to buy a little potty. I decided I would try the whole potty thing when she told me "poo-poo," and if it worked out, great. And then came the test...

Last night, after dinner, she ran up to me saying, "Poo-poo. Poo-poo...." to which I half-heartedly replied, "Do you want to go poo-poo on your potty?" Much to my surprise and dismay, she ran into the bathroom, shouting, "Poddy! Poddy!" And then she went. On the potty. Hooray, right? G-R-O-S-S!!! Oh, and let me just add...EWWWW!

What in the world was I supposed to do with the little blob of disgustingness lying on the bottom of that little plastic cup?! Good grief. I'm not sure exactly why I find the poo-poo so much more horrifically offensive in the potty than in a diaper. But I do. Anyway, the little poo-poo on the potty episode resulted in me Cloroxing the entire bathroom floor to ceiling and scrubbing Eleanor and myself until our skin was nearly raw. I just couldn't shake the dirty feeling of the whole deal.

Now, I know that she has to be potty-trained at some point. This is not that point. Bye-bye potty...see you in a year or so.


starfitch said...

Oh, no. I feel the same way about wanting to put it off a little bit. Maybe she's just advanced in this area too...asking to go? Wow.

Lisa said...

HAHA! You and I have the same feeling about potty training. I only put Grace on the potty when she asks me. I'm hoping to actually train her this summer.

Anyway, I have a little potty, but we got a potty seat (the kind that sits on the big potty) when our house for sale (didn't really want a baby potty hanging around) and I love it so much more b/c of the cleaning issue.

I was like you... when she did go potty in the little potty I would pour it into the big potty and then rinse out in the bathtub and spray with Clorox. I felt like I had to b/c there were times that I found Grace putting toys in her potty!.... GROSS!!

Anyway, you might want to look into a potty seat... Grace loves it too.

erin said...

I'll second's pretty gross!

Shana-Lynn said...

Haha!! I am grossed out by the little potty too, so we just stick with the big one with a little Elmo seat on top. So far it is working out great.

Good luck whenever you decide to start it back up.

GG said...

I have a couple of clothes pins? Think you might need me to send them? As far as she is advanced in her intelligence, I'm not at all surprised. She just might potty train herself.The potty seat sounds like a great idea!

Megan said...

Thanks for the tip on the potty seat, but that totally freaks Eleanor out. Not sure why...but sitting on the regular potty (even on a little seat) made her tremble and cry.

Robin said...

Awwww, that is just so sad that it made her cry!