Saturday, November 3, 2007

Eleanor is 14 months and 6 days old!

In other words, I'm very, very late...

And here's what she's up to...
  • Talking like crazy. I can barely keep up with all the words she knows!
  • Doing lots of new baby signs that she learned from her "Baby Wordsworth" video. My favorites are "table" and "swing."
  • Saying five letter sounds- a, s, d, m, and b.
  • Speed crawling all over the house.
  • Enjoying all kinds of new fall activities- hayrides, trick-or-treating, and most of all, playing with apples and pumpkins!
  • Becoming very independent (i.e. wanting to do everything her way!)


Kimberly said...

Happy 14 months!

Anonymous said...

Happy 14th, Eleanor! Glad it's months - not years!!! But at any rate, she would still be our sweetie!! Can't wait to see her!! How about more blogs of her phonics, etc. Never get tired of them!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Eleanor, I forgot to ask you if you sang Happy Birthday to your MiMi today? I'll be nice and not say her age!!

Janice said...

Happy 14 months, Eleanor! She is getting to be such a big girl!!

Shana-Lynn said...

Love the pictures. Happy 14 months Eleanor.

Jeannie said...

could that little girl be any cuter?