Thursday, August 30, 2007

To bow or not to bow

I like bows. Eleanor doesn't. She wears them for about 45 seconds. During which, I snapped this photo of her.

This was on her birthday. I think she looks like the perfect little birthday baby.

If she only knew how cute she looked with the bow in!


Janice said...

She looks beautiful with or without bows :-). do you have one of those "No Slippy Hair Clippy" bows? They don't come off when Ava wears them. You can also try - Jamie makes all kinds and they start from $2.00.

By the way, Happy 1st Birthday, Eleanor!

Anonymous said...

I definately want an 8X10 of this and some billfold sizes. She is absolutely adorable!! I love her so much!!

Shana-Lynn said...

Look at how adorable she is. She is darling in the bow. I should give you Aubree's, she takes them all off now...UGH.

Love her dress as well.

Kimberly said...

What sweet pic! I think she looks adorable with or without the bow to. But I have to admit that I'm a huge bow fan. Sophie pretty much left them alone, thank goodness!

Lisa said...

Keep putting them in her hair. I put something in Gracie's hair everyday (otherwise her hair is in her face), but she really has gotten use to it. Don't get me wrong she still pulls it out a couple times a day, but I guess I've just gotten use to putting it back in.

The picture is precious!!

Susie PSU said...

Yeah, I agree - start early, and be persistant. I didn't with Molly, and grew to regret it. Now, all she wants is a ponytail. Every day. No matter what. Sometimes, on a good day, I can convince her to have TWO!