Tuesday, February 6, 2007

See you in Spring

This morning, when we woke up the temperature was 7. Seven!?! That doesn't even sound like a real temperature. The wind chill was somewhere around 6 below zero.

I had to go out last night to get groceries. I ordered online from Safeway, but that turned out to be a disaster. They only brought about half of the items I needed. They said most of the other items were out of stock, but they also charged me for three items that they didn't bring. Extremely annoying. So, I had to brave the frigid winter air after Eleanor went to bed to go get some food to feed my troops. (Maybe this counts as a Proverbs 31 moment.) The temperature was 15. I really thought to myself that it would be cold, but really not that bad. WRONG! 15 degrees hurts! Your clothes feel like they're freezing to your body, and your fingers feel like they're turning into ice cubes. Woe unto you should you accidentally lick your lips!

Bathing is one of my favorite hobbies. I bathe at least twice a day. Well, for about three or four days now, I've had to seriously reduce my number of baths due to limited hot water. Taking a bath in less-than-lukewarm water is not that relaxing.

I'm a prisoner in my home because I am afraid to take Eleanor out. Two of my fingers cracked and bled just from being out for a little while. I don't want something like that to happen to her! So, here we sit with the heater blowing full blast.

I think we might get out again some time in March.


Robin said...

I'm sorry your online shopping didn't go well! Giant was much better, and I did not get charged for the one item that wasn't in stock.

Yesterday was COLD!!! I took some pictures of our frozen fountains, and my face hurt so bad in the few minutes I was out there. And that was when it was sunny outside. Next week should be nicer (if you consider 30's and 40's nicer), so I'll stay inside until then. We need a tunnel between out two apartments so we can still visit.

Megan said...

You ruined the surprise! The tunnel should be finished in a week or two if all goes well. You should probably start working on your commando crawl. The tunnel is really small.

Lisa said...

It is 70 degrees here today!!! We just got back from the park. Unfortuntly it isn't going to last... cold front coming in tonight. Although NOTHING like yours. Hope it gets warm soon!