Sunday, January 14, 2007

At the park

Yesterday, we took Eleanor to the park for the first time. I had noticed a few days ago at the mall that she loved watching the toddlers run around in the play area, so I thought she might enjoy an outing to the park. She did- for about ten minutes.

We put her on the slide (mostly just for picture-taking), and she just wanted to stare at the other kids.

We tried the swing, but she couldn't sit up very well, so she hated it!

She played in the playhouse with Daddy.

And then she was ready to leave. This is her ready-to-leave face:

And here's a picture of her and Mommy:


Lisa said...

Those pics are sooooo cute! She will love to swing in no time. Grace LOVES it... we actually have a baby swing on our back porch!

Robin said...

I'm glad you had some good weather for her to play at the park!